13-14 November 2022
World-class negotiating skills for world-class win-win agreements.
The Negotiate To Win Workshop begins with participant introductions, an overview of the program’s content and methodology, and the establishment of ground rules. Throughout the action-packed 2 days, Jim will be sharing his extraordinary experience with session participants. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to be personally trained and coached by Jim Thomas - the man who literally wrote the book on effective negotiating. You’ll leave Negotiate to Win with a wealth of powerful new ideas you can use the next time you negotiate.
Come see why Negotiate to Win is the program that gets results!

Jim Thomas
Author of Harper Collins' International Bestseller, Negotiate to Win
Jim Thomas is an attorney, author, speaker, and media personality. Superstar Negotiator and Best-Selling Author of Negotiate to Win.
Jim Thomas is an attorney, author, speaker, and media personality.
A member of the United States negotiating team in the successful Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) negotiations with the former Soviet Union.
Graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles and The Georgetown University Law Center
Best-Selling Author of Negotiate to Win.
Book(s) Published

Negotiate To Win Masterclass
MODULE 1 Negotiation - What Lies Beneath
- The definition of negotiation
- The enormous and growing importance of effective negotiating
- Negotiation philosophies:
- The difference between persuading and negotiating
- Persuasion’s Achilles’ heel:
- Similarities and differences in negotiating styles among cultures.
MODULE 2 : What "Win-Win" Negotiating is Really All About
- Debrief of First Negotiation Exercise
- The central role of face, ego, and self-esteem in negotiation
- Negotiation’s many facets
- Who to do a “win-win” negotiation
- The rare occasions when “win-lose” negotiating is acceptable
- When negotiations shaped history
MODULE 3: The Critical Rules of Negotiating
- Explaining and dispelling the pervasive myth of “negotiating strategies and tactics”
- The layout and reasoning behind the 21 Rules of Negotiating
- Seven Critical Rules of Negotiating is explained
MODULE 4: What "Win-Win" Negotiating is Really All About
The four Important Rules of Negotiating are explained and discussed by participants
MODULE 5: The "Nice to Do" Rules of Negotiating
- Each of the ten “Nice To Do” Rules of Negotiating is explained and discussed
- Participants receive and perform the 2nd Negotiation Exercise
MODULE 6: Concession Management
- Debrief of Second Negotiation Exercise correcting observed problems
- Constructing the Envelope of Negotiation for each anticipated issue
- The negotiating challenges posed by our natural reluctance to make concessions
- The “ideal” concession pattern: Rule of Halves'
- Escalating: definition, risks, and defenses
- The very bad habit of speculating about the other side’s Envelopes
- Managing your concessions against a deadline
MODULE 7: Pre-Negotiation Homework
- Debrief of Third Negotiation Exercise correcting observed problems
- Emerging homework tools and technologies
- Defining and sorting negotiable issues and creating alternatives
- Assessing the other side’s negotiating positions
- Creativity in concessions
- Team negotiations
- Identifying and preparing for contingencies
- Completing the negotiation plan
- The eight “must-do” homework steps
MODULE 8: Performing a Successful Negotiation
- Debrief of Fourth Negotiation Exercise correcting observed problems
- Best practices for internal negotiations
- Best practices for external negotiations
- Best post-negotiation practices
- Participants perform the fifth Negotiation Exercise
MODULE 9: Navigating Negotiation's Minefields
- Debrief of Fifth Negotiation Exercise correcting observed problems
- Negotiating at an uneven table: when the other side has more power
- Negotiating under extreme time pressure
- Handling gender differences in negotiations
- Negotiating across cultures and/or borders
- Negotiating with difficult people and/or in difficult situations
- Negotiating ethics
- Negotiating within a strategic alliance
MODULE 10: Negotiation Leadership
- Debrief of Sixth Negotiation Exercise correcting observed problems
- Negotiating organizational change
- How to build your organization’s a negotiating capability
- Attendees complete Personal Negotiating Action Plans